
Mickman’s Wreaths – Dec 12 last day

Mickman’s Wreaths – Dec 12 last day

This is a reminder if you haven’t put in your orders for Mickman Wreath’s, please do so now!!  There is still time if you hurry.  DJF appreciates your support so much and the extra gift to yourself is that it will put you on Santa’s Nice List!!!  If you have any questions or need any help please contact Kristin or Nancy. Their contact info is at the bottom of the page. December 12 is the last day to order. Ordering instructions are attached again for your convenience.

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DJF in the News

DJF in the News

Publicity: Kudos to Carol Everett for the recent DJF press release she wrote and sent with photos to several area media outlets. This Monday the editor of Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People told Carol that they plan to run the story in mid-December. It will be in print and online. We can hardly wait to see “DJF” in print! Others may use it too without contacting us first, so please tell us if you see it in print or elsewhere.

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End of Year Giving

End of Year Giving

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. So difficult to not be with all our loved ones butgrateful to be healthy and safe. Better times are surely ahead of us.

December is just around the corner, and it’s time to think about our last fundraiser – END OF YEAR Giving. Can we all get together for one last big push and make this an incredible end of the year event???

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Juliette Fowler Encouragement and Hope

Juliette Fowler Encouragement and Hope

Juliette Fowler Logo

Thanks so much for your continued service in our community and the greater Dallas area. We know a few members have expressed interest in serving our most vulnerable older adults living in Dallas County (Texas) long-term care homes (nursing homes and assisted living facilities) during this unprecedented Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Due to the health, safety and welfare of the residents, they are in social isolation – staying in their rooms to avoid disease transmission. In-person visitation from community volunteers is still restricted. Regardless of your geographic location, serving virtually will provide safe social distancing options for your members while still enabling you to enrich the resident’s lives, as well as, the tireless staff taking care of them.

Below are a few ways Dallas Junior Forum can offer encouragement and hope:

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Family Place Resale Shop

Family Place Resale Shop

The Family Place logo

The Family Place resale shop is open.

Donate Items. Many clients come to our shelters with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. By donating tangible items you can provide these women, children and men with the supplies they need to rebuild their lives free from abuse. In-Kind donations refer to new items only. Please donate your gently-used items to The Family Place Resale Shop.

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Photos and Social Media

Photos and Social Media

Please send photos to my email address for posting on our Website and Facebook and for the president’s book. With all photos, please add a short description of the event. Please send photos “Actual Size.”

If you post on your own Facebook account or Tweet about your activities with DJF, please include #DallasJuniorForum so the greater Dallas area will learn about DJF. Do not mention names in your posts and be sure members in your photos do not mind having their images posted. Also, we must respect the rules of our agencies who may not want photos of their clients published.
If you have questions about how to send photos, or if you have photos on your camera and do not know how to upload and send those, just call or email me for help. We depend on your photos and appreciate them so much.

Thank you!

VP Communications Elaine Foster ~ 972-816-3715 ~

Bank Change

Bank Change

We are moving our checking account to Veritex Community Bank. Why are you telling me this you might ask? We stopped printing checks off the old account September 31. At the end of 2020 we will close the old checking account. If you have any reimbursement checks that have “Capital One, N.A.” at the top, please deposit as soon as possible.

Treasurer Kristy Shaw ~ 214-417-3082 ~