
Juliette Fowler Valentines
I hope you are up for a service project that will be heartfelt. ❤ I want to give Valentine bags to our senior friends at Fowler, and I need your help.
On my porch are bags with blank index cards. Take one or two or a few. Decorate the cards with a heartfelt note for a Juliette Fowler resident.
Let them know that you care by sharing words of encouragement. Decorate the cards with stickers, colorful borders or your original artwork.
Please return the cards to my porch by February 10. If you want, it would be sweet if you could include a small trinket and candies or other treats with each card.
My goal is 100 cards of loving words. The treats are optional.
Fondly, Marla
Address: 6930 Forest Glen Dr, Dallas 75230
Cell: 214-537-9551

Network Volunteer needs

Volunteers are needed January 22 10:00 to 12:00 in the food pantry. Grab a friend and volunteer.
Contact Susan Ward at smward@swbell.net if you are interested
Network needs change quickly so for the latest list please go to: https://thenetwork.org/network-wish-list/

1,800 children woke up to books, toys, and pajamas on Christmas morning! Thank you to everyone who hosted a toy drive, made a donation, shopped our wish lists or spread the word — this would not be possible without YOUR help. We are so grateful for our supporters in DJF!

Network needs food and clothing donations
If you are out walking or driving and have the opportunity to donate, drop offs for items are available at our DJF members front porches.
Network is still collecting plastic and paper bags which are in high demand now. Please save your grocery bags and donate to make a difference in our food pantry operations.
We have spots available to volunteer at Network’s Food Pantry on Friday, January 22nd from 10-12:00. We will be restocking the shelves for Saturday. There is no contact with the public. Masks are worn and there is plenty of room to social distance. To volunteer for this day, sign up with Susan Ward at smward@swbell.net.
Continue reading “Network needs food and clothing donations”

Hope’s Door Cooking Team
If you are interested in cooking a meal for Hope’s Door or even part of a meal contact: Candy Carby
Chair Candy Carby ~ 972-248-4660 ~ candycarby@yahoo.com

January General Meeting
Join us on Zoom at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, January 7 for our next DJF General Meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 9216 9592
+13462487799,,83492169592# US (Houston)

DJF In the News

Thanks to efforts of Publicity Chairman Carol Everett, the greater Dallas community has been able to read all about DJF in two publications. Mid-December, we appeared in print and online in Park Cities People dated January, 2021, although it came out mid-December. CultureMap Dallas also featured DJF in December. In addition, Jenna at DCAC gave a shout out to DJF when she was interviewed by NBC 5, and Marla Nunally was featured in a Facebook video with Hope’s Door.

Petite Event – Mickman Brothers Wreaths and Greenery

We ended up selling 83 items which is an amazing amount considering this was a new experience for us all, due to the Covid. Two years ago in 2018, we sold 57 items so I would say that this is a win win!! Appreciate all those that participated.
Our total is $664.
Thank you! Thank you!!

End of Year Giving
I am so pleased to share with all of you that we are finishing out the year with a grand total of $14,848 for our EYG fund. These donations came from DJF members and outside donors. That amount also includes the $664 from the wreaths. Again, thank you for your generosity.